- Drug analysis
- ECP (Eosinophil Cationic Protein)
- Diagnostics of Coeliac Disease
- In-vitro-induced cytokine secretion to characterise effector cell response to environmental allergens
- Diagnostics for medication intolerance
- 290 Toxicological and allergological aspects of sensitivities against endoprostheses
- HLA-DR4/DR1 shared epitope detection with rheumatoid arthritis
- Moulds – Information for persons with mould allergies
- Intolerance to food additives
- Proof of type IV sensitisations against different types of food
- What items contain allergenic heavy metals and plastics?
- Environmental pollutants
- Food intolerances - What should be considered if allergy diagnostics do not provide an explanation?
- LTT for environmental pollutants and moulds
- Differential diagnostics for histamine intolerance (HIT)
- Tryptase Risk marker for severe immediate-type allergic reactions
- Intracellular ATP - Marker of mitochondrial dysfunction
- Advanced Glycation End Products
- Diagnostics of Hereditary Angioedema
- ALEX® IgE-Allergen Screening of 295Allergens
- Total IgE – What does this laboratory parameter signify?