ALEX® 2.0 IgE-Allergen Screening of 295 Allergens
ALEX® IgE allergen profile
The detection of allergen-specific IgE antibodies in serum plays a crucial role for the diagnosis of type 1 allergies.
For patients with multiple allergen sensitisations or for patients with ambiguous clinical symptoms the conventional determination of individual allergens is often an exspansive and lenghty procedure.
In cases like these, a comprehensive allergen screening provides a clear picture of the patient‘s sensitisation profile and thus serves as a powerful tool for the correct diagnosis and prevention of allergen exposure.
The ALEX® Allergy Explorer allows the simultaneous measurement for the total IgE and specific IgE against 282 allergens, among those 157 extracts and 125 allergen components. The test thus covers 99 % of all possible type 1 allergen sources and requires a mere 1 ml of blood.
The method
ALEX® Allergy Explorer is a quantitative solid phase immunoassay. Specific IgE antibodies from the patient’s serum bind to the allergens (extracts and/or components) on the macroarray. Adding a CCD-inhibitor reduces unspecific reactions and thus increases the test’s specificity. Colorimetric analysis is used to detect bound IgE antibodies. Test results for allergen-specific IgE are reported quantitatively in kUA/l (Fig. 1).

ALEX® IgE allergen profile’s advantages compared to specific IgE diagnostics and prick test:
- Preparation of a complete sensitisation profiles for patients with suspected manifold allergies or in cases with ambiguous anamnesis.
- Differentiation between real sensitisation and crossreactivity in order to better assess the danger of anaphy lactic reactions for suitable therapy planning.
- In patients with multiple-allergies comprehensive analysis regarding the individual sensitisation pattern, allowing detailed nutrition counselling.
- In order to dismiss allergy as the cause of patients‘ sypmtoms.
1 ml serum (whole blood)
Request: ALEX IgE allergen profile
Please obtain the costs for the analysis from the pdf-document.

Fig. 2 We deliver the test results along with a detailed commented report including information on specificity and cross-reactivity of positive allergen components
ALEX® allergen list (extracts and components)
Here you can find the ALEX® allergen list: pdf-document.